Socio-economics, Policy and Governance (SPG) research theme will focus on governance, community and stakeholder interests in forests and associated goods and services. It will contribute to formulation of policies and legislation on management of forestry and the environment. The theme will undertake research on marketing and trade in forestry products for enhanced livelihoods and wealth creation. The research will; address issues related to gender and people’s interests in forests, undertake total forests and environmental valuation and natural capital accounting to inform policy, and resource allocation to the forest sector. Research will be carried out to guide forest investment, trade and sector development.

This will be achieved by addressing goals and objectives of the six (6) Research Programmes as follows:

Forest Policy and Legislative Framework

Commercial Forestry and Investment

Gender and Livelihoods

Forest Resource Valuation and Accounting

Forest Extension Research

Bio-cultural Heritage

This thematic area will contribute to improved governance in the forest sector, commercial forestry development and private sector investment leading to increased job opportunities and incomes, resource evaluation by stakeholders and increased opportunities for Payment of Eco-system Services (PES) and carbon markets. It will also contribute to better understanding of the actual contribution of forests to the national economy and increased resource allocation to the sector