CERRP, is mandated to conduct research in forestry and allied natural resources in the coast region. The CERRP addresses challenges in: natural forestry ecosystems that include kayas and lowland mountain and mangrove forests; coastal dryland forests; farm forestry; and forest plantations. The Programme implements its research and development activities in the following thematic areas: Forest Productivity and Improvement; Biodiversity and Environment Management; Forest Products Development; Socio-economics, Policy and Governance; and Technical Support Services.
CERRP headquarters is located in Gede, in Arabuko Sokoke Forest (ASF), Kilifi County about 100 km North of Mombasa and 20 km South of Malindi Town, along the Mombasa –Malindi road.
CERRP covers six counties namely; Kilifi, Mombasa, Lamu, Taita Taveta, Kwale and Tana River.
Diversification and domestication of tree species
Germplasm production research
Pest and disease management
Forest rehabilitation and restoration
Management of invasive tree species
Mangrove research
Climate change and carbon studies
Participatory Forest Management (PFM)
Forest extension
Policy and governance studies
Role of forests in livelihood improvement
Forest products market studies
Disseminated various technologies and information on forestry through open and field days, agricultural shows, conferences and workshops, print and electronic media
Trained youth, communities, county and national government officials, NGOs, civil society organizations and students on various forest technologies
High quality tree seeds and seedlings
Training in: tree seed; tree nursery management; and tree establishment, management and marketing
students on various forest technologies
Advisory services on forestry and allied natural resources
Student attachment and internship
Consultancy services in forestry and allied natural resources