Forest Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Environment Management (FBCCEM) research theme focuses on development of technologies for improved natural forest management and landscape restoration. The theme will also undertake research on rehabilitation, sustainable conservation, management and utilization of forests in water towers, wetlands and riparian ecosystems. The theme will develop technologies and information for mitigation and adaptation to climate change; conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial, inland freshwater ecosystems and their services.

The theme will address challenges facing forestry sector through the following ten (10) Research Programmes as shown below:

Natural Forest and Biodiversity Conservation

Mangrove Conservation and Restoration

Wetlands and Watershed Conservation

Bamboo Research and Development

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Arid and Semi Arid Lands (Asals)

Nature Based Solutions Interventions in Forests and Woodlands

Invasive Plant Species Management

Endangered and Species of National Interest

Pollution Control and Rehabilitation of Polluted Lands

This thematic area will create green jobs, enhance livelihoods and food security through conservation and restoration of degraded lands, watersheds and mangrove, bamboo utilization, nature based solutions through apiculture and aquaculture