LVBERP, is mandated to undertake forestry research mainly within the Lake Victoria Basin. The eco-region is unique in natural resource endowment, economic and political conditions. Of particular importance in forestry research is the unique history, forest resources and culture of the people of the Lake Basin and the requirements for management of the forest types and allied natural resources. LVBERP implements its research and development activities through four thematic areas namely: Forest Productivity and Improvement; Biodiversity and Environment Management; Socio-economics, Policy and Governance; and Technical Support Services.
LVBERP headquarters is situated in Maseno, 32 km north-west of Kisumu, off the Kisumu- Busia Highway after Maseno University. The eco-region research programme sub-centres are located in Kakamega, Kuja River, Ramogi and Migori.
LVBERP covers 10 counties namely; Kisumu, Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Siaya, Vihiga, Homabay, Nyamira, Kisii and Migori.
Studies on water use dynamics of fast growing tree species such as Eucalyptus
Tree and crop interactions in mixed farming systems
Tree diversification, management and utilization
Pests and diseases management on various tree species
Development and domestication of multi-purpose indigenous tree species
Bamboo propagation and management
Soil and water management
Development of technologies for conservation and stabilization of river banks
Valuation of forestry resources and products
Studies on Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
Socio-cultural values of forests and tree growing
Participatory Forest Management (PFM)
Economic analysis of tree investments and land use change
Developed technologies for improved fallows and biomass transfer
Developed technologies for integrated soil fertility management
Developed suitable on-farm high value trees
Established and maintained improved seed sources
Developed technologies for rehabilitation of degraded hills and natural forests
Developed technologies for river catchment protection using bamboo, Zizygium guizensis and Croton macrostachyus
Developed a group based small scale farmer credit system
Developed frameworks for PES
Undertook economic valuation of forest resources
Developed a guideline on financial analysis of tree growing
Disseminated various technologies and information on forestry through open and field days, agricultural shows, conferences and workshops, print and electronic media
Trained stakeholders in various aspects of forestry including: rehabilitation of degraded natural forests; tree nursery management; and bamboo propagation and utilization
High quality tree seeds and seedlings
Training in tree nursery management
Training in propagation and management of bamboo
Student attachment
Advisory services on forestry and allied natural resources
Consultancy services in forestry and allied natural resources
Soil analysis