WaTER Towers Component 4

Component 4 is implemented by the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) through scientists based at two regional offices in the Rift Valley Eco-Region Research Programme (RVERP), Londiani and the Lake Victoria Basin Eco-Region Research Programme (LVBERP), Maseno; together with collaborators from other governmental and non- governmental organizations based in the two regions. The component is coordinated and managed from KEFRI headquarters. Some activities at the headquarters are implemented through contractual agreements between the Institute and relevant private firms.


Main Objective

To contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods by applying scientific principles to inform design of community level actions and national policy decisions on rehabilitation and conservation in Cherangany and Mt. Elgon water towers.

Specific Objectives

Objective 1:
To undertake a baseline assessment of the biophysical and socio-economic status of the 2 Ecosystems to inform rehabilitation and conservation actions.
Objective 2:
To undertake a desk study on a Payment for Ecosystem services (PES) model for enhanced participation by communities, common interest groups (CIGs), community based organizations (CBOs) in rehabilitation, conservation and for improved livelihoods undertaken and proposals on similar initiatives based on existing socio-economic conditions.
Objective 3:
Integration of selected rehabilitation and conservation technologies for improved Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Land Management and Agricultural Water Management in the 2 water towers demonstrated.
Objective 4:
To produce and manage Bamboo and High Value Tree Resources in the two ecosystems.
Objective 5:
Development of nature based enterprises targeting women, the youth and people with disabilities promoted.
Objective 6:
To develop a communication and knowledge management strategy for the program.
Objective 7:
To monitor and evaluate program activities.

View Management Team

Component Management Office (CPMO) – Secretariat

The Component Management Office implements and coordinates all actions and ensures all components run seaamlessly. The NPMO is headed by the Principal Investigator (PI) who is also the Project Manager. The NPMO members are DD, SP&G, Project Officer, the Project Accountant, the Project Supply Chain Management Officer and the Resource Mobilization Officer (M&E Officer). The NPMO works with the two Project Assistants based in the regions to ensure day to day coordination and running of the Project from the Headquarters and Regions.