Prosopis julifrora Management for Decent Green Jobs and Livelihood Support

To Host Communities and Refugees in Garissa and Tana River Counties

Project Donor: Embassy of the Government of The Netherlands
Project Implementor: ILO-PROSPECTS Kenya through KEFRI


Prosopis julifrora is xerophytic and adapted to many soil types under a wide range of moisture conditions. The value of the tree lies in its exceptional tolerance of drought and marginal soils. It tolerates strongly saline soils and seasonal waterlogging. It is sometimes said to dry out the soil and compete with grasses, particularly in dry areas. It was not until 2008, when the Kenyan Minister for Agriculture declared Prosopis juliflora a noxious weed. Invasion by Prosopis juliflora since 1980s adversely affected ameliorated environments such as riverine environment, urban settlements, farmlands and rangelands. It is also den for wildlife pests and predators, negatively affected transport flow.

In addition, the species provides multiple products and services especially for the poor – income through fodder, poles for construction and burials, firewood, charcoal, honey while controlling soil erosion. Therefore there is a great need for an intervention through creation of green jobs for enhanced livelihoods while conserving the natural ecosystems.

Project Objective

Enhance livelihood and build resilience of host communities and refugees through sustainable use of forest products thereby creating decent jobs and sustainable livelihoods.

Project Impact

Building resilient communities that live in harmony with natural habitat by deriving their daily livelihood.

Immediate Objectives - Outcome

Support local communities (groups and individuals), to exploit the economic benefits of Prosopis julifrora through management, harvesting, value addition and manufacturing using pro-employment and local resource-based approaches.

Demographic and Ecological Distribution of Prosopis julifrora.

Demographic and Ecological Distribution of Prosopis

About the Project Intervention

This intervention is a multi-institutional collaborative effort between KEFRI and partners with support from ILO PROSPECTS and the embassy of the Government of Netherlands by using the Employment Intensive Investment Programming (EIIP) to address the ecological and socio-economic challenges posed by Mathenge in Garissa and Tana River Counties.

Specifically to:

Restore natural ecosystems through exploitation, management, harvesting, value addition and use to minimize the adverse impacts of the abundant invasive Prosopis Juliflora in Garissa and Tana River Counties. The use of Mathenge will reduce pressure on indigenous vegetation.

The project creates immediate decent and productive jobs and sustainable livelihoods for communities.

Mainstream the potential of Mathenge by out and upscaling its value chain, technologies and innovations.

Project Sites

Demographic and Ecological Distribution of Prosopis

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