Oscar Sabwa Mayunzu

Resume photo

Oscar Sabwa Mayunzu

Research Scientist
E-mail : omayunzu@kefri.org
Researcher ID :
Designation : Research Scientist
Expertise : Industrial Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry

Journal Articles

  1. Muga, M. O.*, Mayunzu, O. & WACHIRA, N (2017) Aloe Secundiflora Sap Yield and Quality Variation in Kwale, Kenya Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology for Development JASETD, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
  2. Rose Chiteva *, Oscar Mayunzu , Moses Lukibisi , Norman Wachira (2016). Enhancing Community Livelihoods through Nature Based Enterprises: Case of Matinyani Women Group, Kitui, Kenya. Environment and Ecology Research Vol. 4(1), pp. 30 - 35 DOI: 10.13189/eer.2016.040105
  3. Peris Moraa Mokua, Oscar Mayunzu, Meshack Obonyo, John Thuita, James Mutuku, Grace Murilla(2016) The Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia ficus-Indica) Cladode Extracts Modulate Blood Sugar in Swiss White Albino Mice. International Journal of Diabetes Researchp-ISSN: 2163-1638 e-ISSN: 2163-16462016; 5(3): 41-47 doi:10.5923/j.diabetes.20160503.01
  4. Mayunzu, O., Shitanda, D.,Okalebo, F. and Simiyu L(2011).QUALITY COMPARISON OF MONDIA WHYTEI AND VANILLA YOGURT.Annals. Food Science and Technology
  5. Mayunzu, O., Shitanda, D.,Okalebo, F. and Simiyu L(2011). EVALUATION OF ANTIMICROBIAL AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF MONDIA WHYTEI ROOTS EXTRACTS.The Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati Fascicle VI – Food Technology 35(2) 27-32.
  6. Mayunzu, O, Shitanda, D, Okalebo, F and Kituu, G.M (2012). EVALUATING THE DRYING PROCESS OF MONDIA WHYTEI ROOTS UNDER DIFFERENT DRYING CONDITIONS CGIR ejournal, The Journal of Agricultural Engineering .
  7. Mayunzu, O, Shitanda, D, Okalebo, F and Kituu, G.M 2009. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT DRYING METHODS ON THE QUALITY OF MONDIA WYHTEI ROOT POWDER, Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, Science Alert
  8. Mayunzu, O.,Muga, M., R. Bakhoya and J. Mwangi (2012). Comparisson of Nutritional Characteristics of Baobab With Some Common Fruits in Kenya. Annals. Food Science and Technology


  1. Belinda Llagosa, Constantin Dushimimana, Titus Magomere, Oscar Mayunzu, Stephen Omondi, Jan Vandenabeele, Guy Smagghe, Stefaan Werbrouck(2017) Selection and production of elite Melia volkensii clones and the validation of its bioinsecticidal properties. 69th International Symposium on Crop Protection at Ugent, Belgium, 23rd May 2017, presenting the VLIR Project about 500 participants from 20 countries
  2. Mayunzu, O. and Wachira, N (2012). Utilization and Status of Cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) in Kenya. First IUFRO-FORNESSA Conference, Nairobi, Kenya
  3. Mayunzu, O., Shitanda, D. F. Okalebo, Mukonyi, K.W (2009). Optimizing the Post harvest processing of Mondia whtei Roots. Global Consortium of Higher Education in Research on Agriculture (GCHERA) Conference, 23-27th November 2009.
  4. Mayunzu, O., Shitanda, D. F. Okalebo, Mukonyi, K.W (2010). Evaluating the Effect of Drying on Quality of Mondia whtei Roots. AICAD open day, AICAD Juja capus, Kenya


  • October 2015- Date: Research Scientist II, Analytical Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), P.O Box 20412 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
  • September 2010- October 2015: Assistant Research Officer, Analytical Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), P.O Box 20412 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya.

Academic Qualification

  1. 2008-2012: Msc Agricultural Processing Engineering
  2. 2001-2005: Bsc Wood Science and Technology

Key Competences

  1. Natural products formulation
  2. Natural products chemistry
  3. Properties of biological materials
  4. Analytical/ industrial chemistry