Michael Okeyo

Resume photo

Michael Okeyo

E-mail : mokeyo@kefri.org
Researcher ID : -
Designation : Senior Research Officer / ARD
Expertise : Seed Scientist

Journal Papers

  1. Peer reviewed journal article M.M. Okeyo, G.O. Obwoyere, D.L. Makanji, J.W. Njuguna, J. Atieno June, 2020 Promotion of Terminalia brownii in Reforestation by Development of Appropriate Dormancy Breaking and Germination Methods in Drylands; Kenya Global Ecology and Conservation https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.gecco.2020.e01148
  2. On-line journal article M.M. Okeyo, G.O. Obwoyere, D.L. Makanji, J.W. Njuguna, J. Atieno June, 2019 Fungal diseases attacking floral phenology of Terminalia brownii in Drylands, Kenya Topola popular 2019, br. 203, str. 5-11 on-line journal https://scindeks.ceon.rs/ article.aspx?artid=0563-90341903005O
  3. Peer reviewed journal article Okeyo, M. M., Nicholus, J., Luvanda A., Mwamburi,A., Ndufa, J. K., Bor,N. and Munyao, D. 2016 Extension Approaches in the Promotion of Melia volkensii in Lower Eastern, Kenya, International Journal of Applied and Pure Science and Agriculture


  1. Trained internal auditor of the ISO 2015 QMS and EMS 2017/18 Conforming to ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards KEFRI Staff and Being alert in a work to conform and detect any non conforming products and services
  2. EIA lead expert No. 7470 by CETRAD / NEMA 2014 CETRAD / NEMA Trainnng on carrying out EIAs and EAs Officers selected from different stae agencies To complly with the EMCA Act and all legistalation touching on environment
  3. Scientist and ARD 2004 to 2020 Londiani, Gede, Kitui & Kibwezi Writing research proposals and implementing research projects. Centre management KEFRI staff at centres I worked Ealy proposal development, publishing articles, managing staff to be productive
  4. Forester seed and Officer In-charge 1988 to 2003 Londiani, Gede, Kitale and Kakamega Planning, budgeting to meet seed collection targets, Establishment and maitainance of seed sources. Incharge of equipment, staff and facilities KEFRI staff at centres I worked Its important to do early planning, it makes it easy to achieve targets

Academic Qualification

  • 2005-2009 : Moi University Master of philosophy in seed science and technology MPhm Degree Masters of Science
  • 1999 - 2003 : Moi University Bachelor of Science in Forestry 1st Class Bachelors Degree