Dr. George Mbeva Muthike

Resume photo

Dr. George Mbeva Muthike

Principal Research Scientist
E-mail : gmuthike@kefri.org
Researcher ID :0000-0002-6905-2146
Designation : Principal Research Scientist
Expertise : Timber Processing and Engineering

Journal Papers

  1. George Muthike, Joseph Githiomi, 2020. Value Chain Analysis of Farm Grown Melia volkensii (Gurkii) Timber in the South Eastern Dry lands of Kenya (In Press - ournal of Horticulture and Forestry (JHF-01.06.20-0641).
  2. Fred Muisu, George Muthike, Francis Mburu, Peter Sirmah, Leonard Mulongo., 2019. Properties of potential wood carving species in Kenya. Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research, Volume 9 Issue 1 – 2019.
  3. George Muthike and Joseph Githiomi, 2017. Review of the Wood Industry in Kenya; Technology Development, Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences (IJRSAS) Volume 3, Issue 10, pp45-52.
  4. Zhao et al. (George Muthike),2017. Announcing the Genome Atlas of Bamboo and Rattan (GABR) project: promoting research in evolution and in economically and ecologically beneficial plants. The Author 2017, Oxford University Press. Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses).
  5. George Muthike, 2016. Optimization of on-farm machine design parameters for eco-efficient timber sawing based on empirical approach. PhD Thesis, JKUAT.
  6. George Muthike, Ben Chikamai and Fred Muisu, 2015. Ranking of Polyvinyl Acetate adhesives and Nitro-cellulose clear paints available in Kenyan markets. Journal of Emerging Trends in Research.
  7. Muthike G .M.,Kanali C .L., and Shitanda D., 2013. The contribution of Framed Chainsaw System to Improvement of Sawn Timber Quality. International Journal of Current Research. Vol. 5, Issue, 01, pp.070-074.
  8. George Muthike, Christopher Kanali and Douglas Shitanda, 2013. Comparative analysis of on-farm timber conversion systems in Kenya. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. Vol. 5(6), pp. 74-80.
  9. George Muthike, Fred Muisu and Joseph Githiomi, 2013. Withdrawal Strength of Nail-Timber Joints for Kenyan Grown Cypress and Pines. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology Vol. 3 No. 3.
  10. Wekesa L. C., Muthike G. M.,Githiomi J. K* and Muga M. O., 2012. An overview of wood carvings industry developments in Kenya. International Journal of Current Research. Vol. 4, Issue, 09, pp.086-091.
  11. George M. Muthike, Douglas Shitanda, Christopher L. Kanali and Fred N. Muisu, 2010. Chainsaw milling in Kenya. EuropeanTropicalForest Research Network (ETFRN)”. Issue No. 52. Chainsaw milling: Supplier to local markets. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
  12. Pasiecznik NM, Choge SK, Muthike GM, Chesang S, Fer C, Bakewell-Stone P, Wright J, Harris PJC. Putting Knowledge on Prosopis into Use in Kenya. Pioneering Advances in 2006. KEFRI, Nairobi, Kenya and HDRA, Conventry, UK. 13pp. 2006.

Book Chapter

  1. Chapter 10: Forestry Products Development and value addition –Draft work in progress

Technical Notes /Protocols/Guidelines

  1. Githiomi JK and Muthike GM. Guidelines for Air-Drying of Timber: LowCost Timber Drying Method for Sawyers, Merchants and other Users. Published byForest Products Research Centre, Kenya Forestry Research Institute. ISB: 9966-776-00-1. 6pp.2008.
  2. Muthike GM., Githiomi JK. and Onchieku JM.Sawing Guidelines for Small-scale Timber Processing; specially developed for Chain saw, Mobile saw bench and Pit saw Operators in Kenya. Published byForest Products Research Centre, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) Nairobi, Kenya 2006.


  1. Chagala–Odera E., Ochieng D., Wanjiku J., Muchiri M.N., Gichora M., Tuwei P., Kamondo B., Mengich E., Langat D., Oballa P., Muthike G., Chiteva R., Kagombe J., Cherotich L., Gathogo M., Muthama A. and Oduor N. Contribution of forestry research to sustainable development. Proceedings of 5th KEFRI Scientific Conference 17 – 19 April 2018 at KEFRI Headquarters Muguga, Kenya.
  2. George Muthike, Stephen Karega and Joseph Githiomi., 2018. Defects in Plantation Soft Wood in Kenya; Causes, Extend and Distribution. 5th KEFRI Scientific Conference (17-19th April, 2018). Nairobi, Kenya.
  3. George Muthike and Joseph Githiomi., 2018. The status of the wood industry in Kenya. 5th KEFRI Scientific Conference (17-19th April, 2018). Nairobi, Kenya.
  4. Simon Choge and George Muthike, 2014. Experiences of managing Prosopis juliflora invasions by communities in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities (in) Managing Prosopis Juliflora for better (agro-)pastoral Livelihoods in the Horn of Africa. Proceedings of the Regional Conference,May 1 - May 2, 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (GIZ).
  5. Muthike G.M., Kanali C.L. and Shitanda D., 2012. Comparative analysis of the performance of on-farm timber sawing systems. “Forests and Trees: Serving the People of Africa and the World” IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress and ITTO/AFF Policy Day. Held in Nairobi on 25th -29th June 2012.
  6. G.M. Muthike, D. Shitanda, C. L. Kanali and F.N. Muisu. The Status of Chain Saw Usage in Kenya. (in) West African Regional Conference on chainsaw lumbering, Accra, Ghana, 25th and 26th May 2009.
  7. G.M. Muthike, D. Shitanda, C. L. Kanali and F.N. Muisu. The Potential of Chainsaw Frame Mills in On-farm Timber Processing in Kenya. Recent Advances in Forestry Research for Environmental Conservation, Improved Livelihood and Economi Development. Proceedings of the 4th KEFRI Scientific Conference Held on 6th – 9th October 2008 at KEFRI Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
  8. F. Muisu, F. Mburu, P. Sirma, G. Muthike and L. Mulongo, Density, hardness and wood working properties of potential wood carving species in Kenya. (in) Moi University 4thAnnual International Conference, Margatret Thatcher Library, Moi University, 29th July – 1st August 2008.
  9. Muthike GM, Impacts of Integrating technology and Skills on Timber recovery and surface quality in on-farm timber processing in Kenya. (in) IUFRO-All Division 5 Conference, Held in Taipei, Taiwan on 29th October to 2nd November 2007.
  10. GithiomiJK.,Muthike GM. and Muisu FN. Withdrawal Strength of Mechanically Fastened Nail-Timber Joints for Kenyan Grown Cypress and Pines. (in) Proceedings of the 2ndMoi University Scientific Conference; Innovations and Challenges in Education, Environment and Natural Resources Management and Communication and Development in the 21st Century Conference, Held at Sirikwa Hotel- Eldoret on 14th – 16th February 2005.
  11. Muthike GM. Evaluating the Impact of skill improvement in Small-scale On-farm Timber Processing in Kenya. Recent Advances in Forestry Research and Technology Development for Sustainable Forest Management. (in) Proceedings of the 2nd KEFRI Scientific Conference, 1 – 4th November 2004. Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya.
  12. Muthike GM. Appropriate Technologies in processing and Value Addition of Cedar wood in Marakwet District. Stakeholders seminar on East African Pencil Cedar (Juniperus procera) held in Kapsowar, Marakwet, Kenya on 11th May 2004.
  13. Muthike GM., and Githiomi JK. Harvesting and Processing Technologies in Farm Tree Utilization; Nurturing Capacity for Value Added Markets. Workshop on Markets and Marketing of Farm Forestry Products in Kenya, Held at KEFRI HQ. Nairobi, Kenya on 18th September 2003.

Employment History

  1. 2017 to date:Principal Research Scientist; National Forest Products Research Programme, Kenya Forestry Research Institute.
  2. 2007 – 2017: Senior Research Scientist
  3. 2003-2006: Research Scientist I
  4. 1994-2003: Research Scientist II
  5. 1990-1994: Assistant Research Scientist

Adminstrative Responsiblity

  1. May 2019: Deputy Programme Director, National Forest Products Research Programme(NFPRP)

Academic Qualification

  1. 2016: PhD, Biomechanical and Environmental Engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology- Nairobi, Kenya.
  2. 2003: Master of Philosophy, Wood Science and Technology (Timber Engineering), Moi University- Eldoret, Kenya.
  3. 1990: Bachelor of Science, Wood Science and Technology, Moi University – Eldoret, Kenya.

Key Competences

  1. Natural resource management, processing and utilization with emphasis on value chain development, efficient processing and utilization systems.
  2. On-farm timber processing and utilization systems and technologies
  3. Proficient in primary timber processing (saw milling) and secondary processing (wood machining systems, ergonomics and safety, timber seasoning and truss construction.
  4. Skilled in wood properties testing, data acquisition systems and analyses
  5. Skilled in wood preservation technologies and applications for different conditions and standards.
  6. Skilled in optimization for Bio-processing systems

Other Courses

  1. 2020: Certificate in Job Evaluation in the Public Service, Kenya School of Management.
  2. 2019: Certificate in Senior Management Course, Kenya School of Management.
  3. 2017: Certificate in Trustee Development Program Kenya. College of Insurance, Nairobi(Kenya) and Humber University, Toronto (Canada).
  4. 2006: Scientists’ Course in Scientific Writing, Africa Forest Network(AFORNET). Kenya.
  5. 2006: Occupational Health and Safety Course. Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety Services. Kenya.
  6. 2005: Proficient and Gazetted Timber Grader. Timber Grading Course. Ministry of Roads and Public Works, Forest Department, Kenya Forestry Research Institute and Kenya Bureau of Standards. Kenya.
  7. 2003: Data Management Course for Scientists and Technical Staff. Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
  8. 1996: Training for Trainers in Wood-working Machines; Operation, Safety and basic servicing. Makita Power Tools Co-operation, NagoyaCity, Japan.
  9. 1996: Wood Based Materials Application Technologies, Nagoya International Training Centre, Japan
Dr. George Mbeva Muthike