Journal Papers
- James Odhiambo Maua, Musingo Tito E. Mbuvi , Paul Matiku , Serah Munguti , Emily Mateche, and Moses Owili (2022) The difficult choice - to conserve the living filters or utilizing the full potential of wetlands: Insights from the Yala swamp, Kenya in Environmental Challenges. Vol. 6, 100427.
- Maria Fungomeli, Marcus Cianciaruso, Piero Zannini, Anthony Githitho, Fabrizio Frascaroli, Bernerd
Fulanda, Staline Kibet, Martin Wiemers, Musingo Tito Mbuvi, Paul Matiku & Alessandro Chiarucci
(2020): Woody plant species diversity of the coastal forests of Kenya: filling in knowledge
gaps in a biodiversity hotspot, Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all
Aspects of Plant Biology, DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2020.1834461
- Mbuvi, M.T.E., Ndalilo, L., Matiku, P., Munguti, S. and Odera, G. (2020) Yearning for an
Apple: The Changing Lifestyle of the Tana River Delta Communities in Kenya and Implications on
Livelihoods and Conservation of Natural Resources. Natural Resources, 11, 446-472.
- John Mwendwa Mugambi, Jane Kagendo, Mulaha Kweyu, Musingo Tito Edward Mbuvi. (2020) Influence
of Community Forest Association Activities on Dryland Resources Management: Case of Kibwezi
Forest in Kenya. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management. Vol. 5, No.
3, 2020, pp. 119-128. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnrem.20200503.16
- Musingo Tito E. Mbuvi and James B. Kungu (2020) Policy makers’ perspective on impacts of
decentralizing forest management in Kenya on forestry conservation and community livelihoods.
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. 9(3) 1 – 21.
- Musingo T E Mbuvi, Leila Ndalilo, Chemuku Wekesa, Paul Matiku and Serah Munguti (2019)
Engagement of Decision Makers for Improved Management of Shared Resources for Enhanced
Community Benefits and Adaptation to the Changing Climate in Tana River Delta, Kenya. Research
and Reviews: Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 1-15
- Mbuvi, M. T. E., Musyoki, J. K. & Ndalilo, L. A. (2020). Forest Management Teams, a
Citizenship Paradigm Analysis through Influence and Importance Factors; Experience from
Arabuko Sokoke Forest, Kenya. Open Journal of Forestry, 10, 81-109.
- Kagendo, J., Kweyu, M. and Mbuvi, M. T. E. (2020) Effects of Leasehold on
Community Forest Association Benefits in Dryland Resources Management: A Case Study of Kibwezi
Forest in Kenya. Asian Journal of Geographical Research 3(3): 37-47. DOI:10.9734/ajgr/2020/v3i330109
- Mbuvi, M. T. E. and Kungu, J. B. (2019) Institutional Factors Influencing Decentralised Forest
Governance: Policy Makers’ Perspectives and Future Trends Environmental Policy and Law.
49(4-5) 264-276
- Mbuvi Musingo Tito E., James B. Kungu, Francis N. Gachathi, Chemuku Wekesa Nereoh Leley and
Joseph M. Muthini (2019) Annonated checklist of plant species of Loita Forest (Entim e Naimina
Enkiyio Forest or the forest of the lost child), Narok County, Kenya International Journal of
Advanced Research in Biological Sciences. 6(3): 54-110. DOI:
- Mbuvi, M. T. E., Ndalilo, L. & Cheboiwo J. (2018) Challenges to Actualization of
Decentralization Forest Management Functions: Experiences and Lessons on Devolving Forestry
Management Functions in Kenya Public Policy and Administration Research. 8;10, 1-9
- Mbuvi, M. T. E., Ndalilo, L., & Hussein, A. (2018). Applying Sustainability and Ethics in
Forest Management and Community Livelihoods: A Case Study from Arabuko Sokoke Forest, Kenya.
Open Journal of Forestry, 8, 532-552.
- Mbuvi, M. T. E., and J. K. Cheboiwo (2017) Role of Devolved Governance in Enhancing
Incentives in Participatory Forest Management in Kenya Journal of Environment and Earth
Science. 7 1-5
- Chemuku W., Nereoh L., Maranga, E., Bernard Kirui, B., Muturi, G., Mbuvi, M. T. E., and
Chikamai, B. (2016) Effects of Forest Disturbance on Vegetation Structure and Above-Ground
Carbon in Three Isolated Forest Patches of Taita Hills Open Journal of Forestry. 6,
- Mbuvi, M. T. E., J. K. Musyoki, A. O. Ayiemba and J. W. Gichuki (2015) Determining the
potential for introducing and sustaining Participatory Forest Management: A case study of
South Nandi Forest of Western Kenya International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
Vol. 7(3): 190-201
- Mbuvi, M. T. E., Musyoki, J. K and Ongugo, P. (2015) Equity Mechanisms in Traditional Forest
Management Systems: A Case Study of Loita Forest in Kenya Journal of Sustainable Forestry
34:4, 380-405
- Nilufar M., S. I. Mohammad, Mbuvi, M. T. E., B. O. Owuor. P. O. Ongugo and M, A. Syed (2014)
Group inequality and environmental sustainability: Insights 7 from Bangladesh and Kenyan
forest commons. Sustainability. 6, 1462-1488,
- Mbuvi, M. T. E. and Musyoki J. K. (2013) Impacts of participatory forest management on
community livelihoods: A case study of Dida Community adjacent to Arabuko-Sokoke forest in
Kilifi County, Kenya. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 1 (2), pp. 044-055
- Mwendwa, K. A., Gordon, I.,Mbuvi, M. T. E. and Maweu J. M. (2003) Participatory Learning and
Action Research among communities adjacent to Arabuko-Sokoke forest. Recent advances in
Coastal Ecology African Studies Centre. Research Report 70/2003
- Musingo Tito E. Mbuvi (1997), Women have an Edge over Men on Traditional Medical Practice
(TMPc) Knowledge: The Assumption versus the Field Situation. Journal for Ethnomedicine Special
issue 11: 97-102
- Musingo Tito E. Mbuvi (1998), Cultural Influence on the Therapy Seeking Behaviour of some
Kenyan Communities. Journal for Ethnomedicine. Special issue 14: 39-43
- Mbuvi M. T. E. 1996. Using names as a guide to past ecology and land use practices.
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), PLA notes No. 27
- Kamondo B., Muturi, G., Mbuvi M.T.E. Ochieng D, Wekesa C, Riziki, M., Akinyi L., Malonza, P.
K., Ogwaka B., Mulwa R. K and Marahaba D. M. (2020) (eds.) Biodiversity status of Buda forest
Kenya. A KEFRI and Base Titanium Publication. Nairobi Kenya
- Ochieng D., Luvanda A., Wekesa C., Mbuvi M. T. E. and Ndalilo L, (2017) (eds.) Biodiversity
status of Arabuko Sokoke forest Kenya. A KEFRI, World Bank, GEF, KCDP Publication. Nairobi
- Mbuvi, M. T. E. L. Wekesa, W. Wekesa. N. Leley, M. Ntabo, A. Eshitera, M. Karangi, L.
Cheruiyot, P. Manyala, M. Okeyo, M. Sheikh, K. Kihara, M. Muchriri, P. Ongugo, A. Kala and B.
Owuor (2016) Capability Map Growing High Value Tree Species in the Coast Region of Kenya: A
guide for Framers, Forest Managers, Extension Agents and Investors. Kenya Forestry Research
Institute (KEFRI) and Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development Departments of Physical
- Gachathi, F. N., M. T. E. Mbuvi, L. Wekesa, W. Chemuku, N. Leley, (2016) A Field Guide to
Valuable Trees and Sbrubs of Kaya Mudzi Muvya Forest in Kilifi County, Kenya. Kenya Forestry
Research Institute (KEFRI)
- Mbuvi M. T. E., J. K. Musyoki and P. O. Ongugo (2015) Participatory Forest Management impact
on Forest and Poverty Status of the Loita Maasai Kenya LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Germany
(ISBN 978-3-659-55231-1)
- Mbuvi M.T.E, Maua J.O, Ongugo P. O, Koech C.K, Othim R.A and Musyoki J. K. (2009) Perceptions
on Participatory Forest Management Impacts on Poverty for Selected Forest Adjacent Communities
in Kenya. KEFRI Publication
- Ongugo P.O., J. K. Kagombe, B. O. Wandago, M. Gachanja, and M.T.E. Mbuvi (2008) (eds.) L.
Mwambui. Proceedings of the 1st National Participatory Forest Management Conference: Better
Managed Forests and Improved Livelihood. June 6-8, 2007. Kenya Forestry Research Institute,
Muguga, Kenya.
- Mbuvi M. T. E. Ayiemba, O. W. Matiku, P. Kagombe J. K. (2007) Participatory Natural resources
Management: How to involve local communities. A Handbook for Facilitator: KEFRI/Nature Kenya
Nairobi Kenya.
Book Chapter
- Ndalilo, L., Chemuku W. and and. Mbuvi, M. T. E. 2020. Indigenous and Local Knowledge
Practices and Innovations for Enhancing Food Security Under Climate Change: Examples from
Mijikenda Communities in Coastal Kenya (edits) A. Gasparatos et al. (eds.), Sustainability
Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa II, Science for Sustainable Societies, Springer Nature
Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020,
- M.T.E. Mbuvi and Ndalilo, L. (2019) Buda Forest Conservation, Utilization and Governance,
Utilization and Governance in Kamondo B., Muturi, G., Mbuvi M.T.E. Ochieng D, Wekesa C and
Akinyi L., Malonza, P. K., Ogwaka B., Mulwa R. K and Marahaba D. M. (2020). Biodiversity
status of Buda forest Kenya A KEFRI and Base Titanium Publication. Nairobi Kenya
- Ndalilo, L., M.T.E. Mbuvi and A.M. Luvanda (2017) Utilization and Governance of Arabuko Sokoke
Forest in Biodiversity status of Arabuko Sokoke forest Kenya in Ochiend D, Luvanda A. Wekesa C
- Mbuvi MTE and Ndalilo L, (2017). Biodiversity status of Arabuko Sokoke forest Kenya. A
KEFRI,World Bank, GEF, KCDP Publication. Nairobi Kenya
- Paul O. Ongugo, Titus E. Mbuvi, Emily Obonyo, Jephine Mogoi, Joseph O. Maua, Charles K. Koech
and Roxventa A. Othim (2014) Emerging Roles of Community Forest Associations in Kenya: The
Cases of Arabuko – Sokoke Forest Adjacent Dwellers Association (Asfada) and Meru Forest
Enviromental and Protection Community Association (Mefecap) in Getzweiler, F. W. (eds)
Institutional and Livelihood change in East African Forest Landscape: Decentralization and
institutional change for sustainable forest management in Uganda, Kenya Tanzania and Ethiopia
- Mbuvi M. T. E. and Ayiemba, W. O., (2012), Sustained natural resources management and
community livelihoods improvement through partnerships: the case of Arabuko-Sokoke forest
landscape in Kenya: A chapter in: Successful Cases of Sustainable Development. University of
Veracruzana Mexico (Published in Spanish)
Technical Notes /Protocols/Guidelines
Socio and Ecological status reports on the following forests and adjacent communities
- Arabuko Sokoke forest
- Kakamega forest reserave and Kakamega National forest reserve
- Lelan forest reserve
- Kaibichbich forest reserve
- South Marmanet forest reserve
- North Marmanet forest reserve
- Loita community forest
- Kereita forest reserve
- Nyamweru forest reserve
- Upper Imenti forest reserve
- Lower Imenti forest reserve
- Elgeyo Marakwet and Kessup Forests
- South Laikipia and Tanyai Forest Block
- Museve and Kabonge forest
- Nthangu forest
Policy Briefs
- Policy Brief on Making Participatory Forest Management work in Kenya
1990 to date: Kenya Forestry Research Institute
Adminstrative Responsibility
- 2020 to date : Deputy
Director Forestry Support
2019 to Date : Head of Monitoring and Evaluation KEFRI
2010 to 2018 : Regional Director Coast Eco Regional Research
2009 to 2010 : Officer in Charge of Nyeri Forestry Research Sub
2007 to 2009 : Acting Centre Director Kitui Regional Research
2003 to 2007 : National Coordinator; Action Research into the
Poverty Impacts of Participatory
Forest Management Project
2001 to 2003 : Acting Centre Director Gede Regional Research Centre
1996 to 1998 : Officer-in-Charge Gede Forest Research Station
1994 to 1995 : Acting Head Plants for Life programme
1990 to date: Kenya Forestry Research Institute
Academic Qualifications
PhD Environmental Sciences, Kenyatta University (2019)
MSc Participatory Forest Management and Extension, University of Reading (1999)
BSc Botany and Zoology University of Nairobi (1989)
Key Competencies
- Participatory Forest Management and Forest planning
- Policy, legislation, regulations and guidelines development
- Decentralization and governance
- Socio economic surveys
- Livelihood studies.
- Ethno-botanical studies
Other Courses
- 2020 :
Mediation of Natural Resources Conflicts - University of Nairobi
2019 : Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation – Kenya School of
2014 :
Performance Management Training - Kenya
2011 :
Strategic Leadership – The Kenya Institute of Management
2008 :a) Forest Management through Co-existence – Japan
Environmental Impacts Assessment & Audit – Kenya School of Government
2006 : Conflict Management - Kenya
2005 :
Improving Creativity in Work Place – Alemaya University Ethiopia
2004 : a) Training of Trainers training in Participatory Forest
Management – Tanzania
b) Team Building – Kenya
2003 :
Collaborative Forest Management – Uganda
2002 :
Finance and Accounting for None finance managers – Kenya
2001 :
Developing and Writing research proposals – Kenya
2000 :
a) Preparing for Participatory Forest Management Natural Resources Institute, University of
b) Conflict Resolution/Communication/Handling of Effective Meeting Skills – Kenya
1998 :
Introduction to Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) – Kenya
1997 :
Methods of Biodiversity surveys, preparation, identification and maintenance of voucher
specimens– Makerere University
1995 :
Training of Trainers (Also in 1990, 1993 and 2004) Egerton University – Kenya
1993 :
Scientific Writing and Dissemination of Research Results – KEFRI and University of Helsinki
1992 :
Field Measurement and Data Analysis – KEFRI and University of Helsinki
1992 :
CD – ROM Management and Technology – CAB International - Kenya
1991 :
Problem Analysis, Research Methodologies and Experimental design – KEFRI and University of