- Langat, D.K ., Kariuki, J (2004) Variations in heartwood proportion and basic destiny between
provenances of Eucalyptus grandis (Hill ex.Maiden). Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 16(2):179-186)
- Langat, D.K and J. Cheboiwo (2010). To conserve or not to conserve: A case study of forest
valuation in Kenya. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 22 (1): 5-12.
- Langat, D.K., Cheboiwo, J.K., M.N Muchiri (2015) Financial Analysis of Eucalyptus grandis for
production of medium size power transmission poles and firewood in Kenya. African Journal of
Agriculture and utilization of Natural Resources for Sustainable Development, 1(1): 38-45.
- Cheboiwo, J.K; R. Mugabe and Langat D.K (2014). Review of conservation of Prunus Africana and
International trade opportunities for its bark in Kenya. Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and
Applied Science , JETEAS, 5(6): 372-377.
- Langat D.K , Maranga, E.K. Cheboiwo, J.K and Aboud, A.A (2015). The Indirect Use Value of East Mau
Forest Ecosystem, Kenya. Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. (10)
- Langat, D.K , Maranga, E.K, Cheboiwo, J ad Aboud, AA (2015). Forest use and dependence by forest
adjacent households on East Mau forest ecosystem, Kenya. Journal of Agricultural Economic, Extension
and Rural Development Vol. 3(10): 326-337.
- Langat D.K , Maranga, E.K, AA. Aboud as J.K. Cheboiwo (2016). Role of Forest Resources to Local
Livelihoods: The Case of East Mau Forest ecosystem, Kenya. International Journal of Forestry Research.
Vol.2016, Article ID 453354
- Cheboiwo, J.K, Langat, D.K., Mutiso, F., Cherono, F. (2016). A Review of Farm Forestry Evolution
for the last 100 years in Kenya: A look at some key phases and driving factors. Journal of Natural
Sciences Research, 6(16):5-9.
- Cheboiwo, J.K, Langat, D.K., Mutiso, F., Cherono, F. (2016). Farm Forestry Development in Kenya: A
comparative Analysis of Household Economic Land use in Uasin Gishu and Vihiga Counties. Journal of
Environment and Earth Science ,6(8):50-59
- Langat, D.K., Maranga, E.K., Aboud, A. A and Cheboiwo, J.K. (2018). The Value of Selected Ecosystem
Services: A case study of East Mau forest ecosystem, Kenya. Journal of Forests, Vol. 5 (1) : 1-10
- Khalwale, T., Langat, D.K ., Abuom, P., (2018). Factors influencing adoption of on-farm tree
planting by households in Shinyalu, Kakamega County, Kenya, International Journal of Horticulture and
- Jonah Kiprop, David Langat, Joshua Cheboiwo, Joram Kagombe, Abdala Kisiwa, Stella Gatama6 Samson
Okoth (2019). Value of pollination services in farmlands adjacent to Mau, Cherangany and Mt. Elgon
Forests, Journal of Natural Sciences Research ,Vol.9(10): 65-70.
- Langat, D. K. Economic valuation of forest resources in East Mau : Forest Valuation In Kenya,
Lambert Academic publishers 2019
- Langat, D., Cheboiwo, J., Okoth, S., Kipsat, J., Kisiwa, A., Kagombe, J., Gatama, S., Guzha, A.,
Smith. N., Kanyanya, E., DeMeo, D. Kerkering,J and Doud,B..(2019). ‘The Value of Ecosystem Services of
Mau Forest Complex, Cherangany Hills, and Mt. Elgon Forest Ecosystems’, Ministry of Environment and
Forestry, Nairobi, Kenya
- Cheboiwo, J., Langat, D., Muga, M., and Kiprop , J.,(2018).Economic Analysis of Forest Landscape
Restoration Options in Kenya, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Nairobi, Kenya
Book chapters
- Langat, D.K, Cheboiwo, J and Kigomo, B (2013). Chapter 1: Background. In Kigomo, B.N, Kimiti, J.M
and Tuwei, P.K eds, “Forest restoration handbook for Moist forest in Kenya” Nairobi, Kenya: 1-7.
- Langat, D. K, J.Cheboiwo and Suter, (2013) Chapter 2: Overview of natural forest degradation in
Kenya. In Kigomo, B.N, Kimiti, J.M and Tuwei, P.K eds, “Forest restoration handbook for Moist forest
in Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya: 8-12.
- Langat, D.K, Cheboiwo, J (2013) Chapter 3: The role of local communities in forest restoration. In
Kigomo, B.N, Kimiti, J.M and Tuwei, P.K eds, “Forest restoration handbook for Moist forest in Kenya,
Nairobi, Kenya: 13-19.
Technical Notes /Protocols/Guidelines
- Langat, D.K , J. Cheboiwo (2015). Guide to Estimating Financial Returns from Tree Growing in Kenya:
A guide for tree growers, extension agents and forest managers –KEFRI.
- Langat, D.K . Otuoma, J, Kagombe, J, Cheboiwo, J.K. Ongugo, P and Kigomo, B. 2017. Guidelines for
establishing Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes in Kenya, KEFRI, Kenya.
- Cheboiwo, J., Langat, D., Ongugo, P., and Kipsat, J. 2017. A guideline for market surveys for farm
forestry products in Kenya, KEFRI, Kenya.
Posters and information leaflets
- Langat, D. J. Cheboiwo, Sibelet, N (2009). Forest use by local people in Mau forests of Kenya and
its implications for forest restoration – World Agroforestry Congress, August 2009, ICRAF, Nairobi,
- Langat, D., and J. Cheboiwo (2010). The Role of Local Communities in Restoration of Mau Forests
Complex – KEFRI-FOREAIM information leaflet 4.
- Langat, D., and J. Cheboiwo and Sibelet, N (2010). Mau forest ecosystems: its importance and
threats – KEFRI-FOREAIM information leaflet 6.
- Njuguna, J, Kimiti, J.C, Langat, D. Okeyo, M, Kamondo, B and Mbinga, J. (2010). Indicators of
forest degradation in Mau Complex, KEFRI-FOREAIM information leaflet
- Langat, D., Cheboiwo, J., Okoth, S., Kipsat, J., Kisiwa, A., Kagombe, J., Gatama, S., Guzha, A.,
Smith. N., Kanyanya, E., DeMeo, D. Kerkering,J and Doud,B..2018.
- Economic Value of the Water Towers in Kenya: Supporting Decision Making and Conservation of Kenya’s
Important Ecosystems. Information Brief, October 2018
Policy briefs
- Langat, D., Cheboiwo, J., Muga, M., and Kiprop (2019). Landscape Restoration in Kenya: Is it worth
restoring degraded landscapes?
Joined the Kenya Forestry Research Institute, KEFRI in 1990
Research Positions
- Assistant Research Officer 1990–1994
- Research Officer II 1994–1998
- Research Officer I 2002 -2006
- Senior Research Officer, 2006 -2010
- Principal Research Officer 2010- 2016
- Chief Research Officer 2017- to date
Adminstrative Responsibility
- A Member Wood Study Advisory Committee on Proposal Development on the subject of wood carving
industry in Kenya (Collaborative project between Kenya Forestry Research Institute, National Museum of
Kenya, Kenya Carvers Co-operative Union and UNESCO)-1992-1993
- Technical coordinator – Economic valuation of Ecosystem Services- Kenya Water Tower Climate Change
Resilience Project, US Forest Service/KEFRI -2016-2018
- Deputy Regional Director Lake Victoria Eco-region Research Programme-2010- 2018
- Regional Director 2018-to date
- National consultant, FAO/KEFRI The Restoration Initiative project on Ecosystem valuation of
Mukogodo landscape 2020
Academic Qualification
- 2012-2016- PhD in Natural Resources
Management Egerton University -Thesis :
‘Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services and its Implications on Conservation Strategies in
East Mau, Kenya’
- 1999 – 2000 Australian National
University, Canberra- Masters of Science Forestry (MSc.F), Thesis :
The Economics of non-timber forests products: The Case of Australian Honey Industry
- 1987 – 1990 Moi University,
Eldoret :
BSc (Wood Science and Technology – Second class Upper Division)
Key Competencies
Natural resources management -Natural Resources Economics- Ecosystem valuation and investment analysis
Other Courses
- 2019 :
Senior Management Training course –Kenya School of Government (6 weeks)
- 2018 :
International Forest Landscape Restoration Seminar 5 weeks, Oregon, Portland USA
- 2009 :
Advance Research Methods for Agroforestry – 5 weeks Course at CIRAD, Montpelier, France
- 2008 :
Strategic Planning and Project Management Course – Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project – 4 weeks’
- 2008 :
Scientific communication and publishing Course-School of Biological Sciences - University of Nairobi –
Kenya, 1 Week
- 2008 :
Advance us of SPSS package for analysis in Social Sciences- KEFRI –in house Training
- 2004 :
International Forestry Resources and Institutions, attended a nine weeks course - Policy Analysis of
Common Pool Resources at Indiana University – Graduate level course
- 2000 :
Scientific writing and editing Workshop KEFRI/SIDCOM – 1 Week
- 1996-97 :
Advanced course – the use of SPSS for date analysis