Emily Mumbua Kitheka

Resume photo

Emily Mumbua Kitheka

Research Scientist
E-mail : ekitheka@kefri.org
Researcher ID :
Designation : Research Scientist
Expertise : Renewal Energy, Environmental and Natural Resource Management

Journal Papers

  1. Piloting Commercial Production of Charcoal Briquettes from Sugarcane Bagasse in Homa-Bay County -Accepted July 2020 by East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal
  2. Factors Influencing Adoption of Biomass Energy Conservation Technologies in Selected Areas of Kitui County, Kenya Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 8 (2019) 70-81
  3. Quality and Emission Analysis of Charcoal from Various Species of Wood Using Improved Carbonization Technologies in Kenya- Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A- Volume 8, Number 1, Jan.-Feb. 2019.
  4. Economic contribution of charcoal production to communities in Kitui County Octa Journal of Environmental Research (Oct--Dec., 2019)
  5. Impact and assessment of charcoal marketing system through community associations in Kitui county, Kenya (Octa Journal of Environmental Research Apr. – Jun., 2016)
  6. Sources of natural dyes and tannins among the Somali community living in Garissa County, Kenya International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation Vol. 4(12), pp. 400-410, September 2012


  1. Sustainability of sugarcane Bagasse briquettes and charcoal Value chains in Kenya Results and Recommendations from implementation of the Global Bioenergy Partnership Indicators.


  1. Gender aspects in adoption of biomass energy technologies in Kitui County (KEFRI Conference 2018)
  2. Piloting biomass energy audit in Homa bay County (KEFRI Conference 2018)
  3. Adoption of biomass energy conservation technologies in selected areas in Kitui county, Kenya ( DeKut Conference 2017)
  4. Piloting Commercial Production of Charcoal Briquettes from Sugarcane Bagasse in Homa-Bay County (KEFRI Conference 2018)
  5. Sustainable energy conservation technologies for improved livelihoods and environmental conservation (IUFRO Conference (2015)
  6. Impact of Charcoal production activities on Species diversity and composition (National Sustainable land Management(SLM) conference 2016)
  7. Bamboo as alternative source of bioenergy (IUFRO Conference (2017)
  8. Pilot energy efficiency audit at household and institutional levels in Homa-Bay County (KEFRI/GEP Project); Proceedings of the 5th Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 17-19th April 2018.
  9. Adoption of biomass energy conservation technologies in selected areas in Kitui county, Kenya (3rd DeKut international Conference 2017). Proceedings of the 3rd DeKut International Conference on Science, Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
  10. Gender aspects in adoption of biomass energy technologies in Kitui County (KEFRI Conference 2018); Proceedings of the 5th Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 17-19th April 2018.
  11. Piloting biomass energy audit in Homa bay County (KEFRI Conference 2018) Proceedings of the 5th Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) scientific conference, Muguga, Kenya, 17-19th April 2018.
  12. Emission and Quality analysis of charcoal products from selected tree species carbonized using different carbonization technologies. Forestry society Conference held KEFRI Kitui


  • 2018- To date: Research Scientist - Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), P.O Box 20412 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2008-2018: Assistant Research Scientist- Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), P.O Box 20412 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1994-2007: Research Technologist - Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), P.O Box 20412 - 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1991-1994: Research Technologist –Dryland Agro forestry Research Project (DARP) Collaborative project (ICRAF/KEFRI)

Academic Qualification

  1. 2012-2017- Masters of Science (MSc) - Environmental studies and Community development -Kenyatta University
  2. 2004-2007- Bachelor of Science (Bsc) - Natural Resource Management (Forestry Option) -Egerton University
  3. 1988-1989- Diploma in Environmental studies- Kenya Polytechnic. (Now Technical University of Kenya)

Key Competences

  1. Bioenergy Research and Environmental Management

Other Courses

  1. 2019: International training on Green Development Driven by Bamboo and Rattan Technology and Innovations. Organized by international Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing, China.
  2. 2016: Sustainable Energy Systems and Climate Change Course. School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK.
  3. 2012: IUFRO-FORNESSA Pre-Congress training; Preparing and writing research proposals.
  4. 2011: Conflict Resolution in Natural resource management – Centre for Training and Integrated research in ASAL Development (CETREAD)-Nanyuki, Kenya.
  5. 2010: Training of Trainers (ToTs) course- On production, processing and marketing of Kenyan dry land wood and non-wood resources. (KEFRI- NALEP)-KEFRI –Kitui Centre
  6. 2008: Regional course on enhancing adoption of social forestry in Africa. KEFRI/JICA- KEFRI HQTs, Nairobi, Kenya.
  7. 2008: Leadership course in Eco-Agriculture. Organized by Eco-Agriculture chapters of USA and Uganda, Jinja – Uganda.
  8. 2002: Organizational Development/ strategic planning- (MS-TC) Arusha, Tanzania
  9. 1998: International Certificate Course in Community Forestry. Organized by Regional Community forestry training centre (Regional Centre for Community Forestry and Training Centre (RECOFTC)- Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
  10. 1998: Research Methodologies and Socio –economic surveys course -Organized by– KEFRI Kitui.