Edward Kibet Mengich

Resume photo

Edward Kibet Mengich

Principal Research Scientist
E-mail :emengich@kefri.org
Researcher ID :
Designation : Principal Research Scientist
Expertise :Agroforestry and tree eco-physiology

Journal papers

  1. Mengich E.K., Macharia J.M., Mitloehner R., Too D.K. and Muturi G.M. (2020). Diameter distribution of indigenous trees as indicator of adapted species in semi-arid rangelands ofKenya. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 32(2): 144 -153
  2. Rotich J., Sirmah P., Mengich E., and Odwori P.O. (2017). Agroforestry trees in Kapsaret,Kenya: Socio-economic perspectives influencing availability, preference and utilization. International Journal of Agroforestry and Silviculture 5(5): 315-325
  3. Mandila B., Hitimana J., Kiplagat A., Mengich E. and Wekesa T. (2015). Prevalence and adoption of agroforestry technologies and practices in semi-arid regions of West-Pokot County, Kenya. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 3(6): 1-4
  4. Cheruiyot Gilbert, Mengich Edward, Sirmah Peter, Ng’etich Wilson, Mburu Francis and Kimaiyo Silvester (2014) Effects of hydrogels on soil moisture and growth of Leucaena pallida in Semi-arid zone of Kongelai, West Pokot County. Open Journal of atmospheric and climate change 1(2): 13-19
  5. Cheruiyot, G., Sirmah, P., Ng’etich, W., Mengich, E., Mburu, F., Kimaiyo, S. and Bett, E.(2014) Effects of hydrogels on soil moisture and growth of Cajanus cajan in semi-arid zone of Kongelai, West Pokot County. Open Journal of Forestry 4(1): 34-37. doi:10.4236/ojf.2014.41006.
  6. Cheruiyot Gilbert, Ngetich Wilson, Mburu Francis, Sirmah Peter, Mengich Edward and Kimaiyo Sylvester (2013) Effects of hydrogels on soil moisture, nutrient availability and growth of Sesbania sesban and Cajanus cajan in semi-arid zone of Kongelai, WestPokot County. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology 1(3): 58-65
  7. Edward K. Mengich, Daniel K. Too, Joseph M. Macharia and Ralph Mitloehner (2013).Composition and distribution of indigenous trees and shrubs as possible criteria for indicating adapted species in semi-arid rangelands. African Journal of Ecology 53(1): 3-15
  8. A.M. Heineman, H.J.O. Otieno, E.K. Mengich and B. Amadalo. (1997) Growth and yield of eight agroforestry tree species in line plantings in Western Kenya and their effect on maize yields and soil properties. Forest ecology and management 91 (1): 103 – 135
  9. E. Mengich, H.J.O. Otieno, A. M. Heineman, B. Amadalo and T.M. Ballard. (1996). The effect of cutting management on the fodder yields of a mixed crop of calliandra and Napier grass. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 62 (2): 227-233


  1. Mengich, E. (2012). Shrub and grass fodder from an agroforestry system in western Kenya: Seasonal quality aspects in pure and mixed planting. LAP LAMBERT Academic publishing GmbH and Co. KG, Saarbrucken, Germany, 86 pp

Book Chapters

  1. Mengich, E.K. 2012. The Mau Forest Complex: Home of critical water catchments and biodiversity hotspots in the Rift Valley Region, Kenya. In K. Gaesing [ed]. Collaborative Protected Area Management: Lessons from Sub-saharan Africa. SPRING Research Series No. 57. International Spatial Planning Centre (ISPC), Technische Universitat Dortmund, 185 pp.
  2. Nyamai, D., Muita D. W. and Mengich E.K. 1996. Opportunities and constraints in the development of on-farm forestry. In: Bekuta, B. K. and Schulzke R. [Eds]. The state of Forest Research and Management in Kenya. Proceedings of the joint KEFRI – FD National Conference held at KEFRI Hqs, Muguga, Kenya, 3 – 5 June 1996. PSFM/KEFRI/FD/GTZ
  3. A.M. Heineman, H.J.O. Otieno, E.K. Mengich, and B. Amadalo. 1995. Growth and yield of Leucaena and Gliricidia in Western Kenya and their effect on maize yield. In H. Sinoquet and P. Cruz [eds]. Ecophysiology of tropical intercropping. INRA, Paris, 483 pp.

Technical Notes/Protocols/Guidelines

  1. Mengich, E.K., Cheboiwo, J.K., Mulatya, J. Owino, J. and Ongugo, P. 2017. Guidelines for integrating trees in irrigated agriculture landscapes of Kenya. KEFRI, Nairobi.
  2. Mengich, E.K., Oballa, P.O. and Etindi, G.M. (2017). Extension guide for agroforestry practitioners in Kenya: KFS, Counties, NGOs, CBOs and Farmers. KEFRI, Nairobi.
  3. Otieno, H.J.O., Heineman, A.M., Amadalo, B., and Mengich, E.K. 1992. AFRENA Project Maseno, Kenya progress report for the period: January 1991 – January 1992 ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.
  4. Otieno, H.J.O., Heineman, A.M., Mengich E.K. and Amadalo, B. 1991. AFRENA on-station project, Maseno, Kenya progress report for the year 1990. AFRENA report No. 41 ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya
  5. Heineman, A.M., Mengich, E. K. Olang, A.D. and Otieno H.J.O. 1990. AFRENA Project,Maseno Kenya progress report for the period January 1988 – January 1990. AFRENA report no. 27. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya


  1. Mengich E., Owino J., Ndungu S. and Mohamed A. (2019). Opportunities and challenges for integrating trees in the irrigated agriculture landscapes of Kenya. In: M. Kappas, M. Pangau – Adam, J. Slowik and P. Aloo (Eds). Proceedings of the International German Alumni Summer School: Education, Science and Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Biodiversity Conservation held between 6th and 14th October 2018 at Karatina University, Nyeri, Kenya. Georg-August University Goettingen and Karatina University, Kenya
  2. Mandila, B., Hitimana, J., Kiplagat, A., Mengich, E. and Namaswa, T. (2018). Cost-benefit analysis of agroforestry technologies in semi-arid regions of West Pokot County, Kenya. In: Chagala et al. [eds]. 2018. Contribution of forestry research to sustainable development: Proceedings of 5th KEFRI Scientific Conference 17 – 19 April 2018 at KEFRI Headquarters, Muguga, Kenya
  3. Mengich, E.K., Macharia, J.M., Too, D.K. and Mitloehner, R. 2007. Responses of common semi-arid savanna tree and shrub species to soil water status in Makueni district of Kenya. Proceedings of the second research week held from 16th to 20th July 2007 at the Agricultural Resources Centre, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  4. Mengich, E.K., Too, D.K., Macharia, J.M. and Mitloehner, R. 2007. Zonal distribution of woody vegetation in the Makueni district of Kenya. Proceedings of the second research week held from 16th to 20th July 2007 at the Agricultural Resources Centre, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya.
  5. Heineman, A.M., Otieno, H.J.O., Mengich E.K. and Amadalo, B. 1992. Selection of Multipurpose trees for alley cropping with Maize and Beans in the bimodal highlands of Western Kenya. In: Maghembe J.A., Prins, H. and Bred D.A. [Eds]. Agroforestry Research in the Miombo ecological zone of Southern Africa. Summary proceedings of an international workshop. Lolongwe, Malawi, 16-22 June 1991. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.
  6. Mohamed A.M., Nyamai D.O., Mengich E.K. Kimotho L.M., Ochieng D., Ego W.K. and Muchiri D.K. 2000. Agroforestry research and extension for integrated development in semi arid areas of Kenya: Experiences from the ARIDSAK Project. In: Proceedings of the social forestry extension seminar for the promotion of tree planting in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya. FD, JICA, KEFRI SOFEM 27 – 30 November 1999, KEFRI Muguga Kenya.
  7. E. K. Mengich, H.J.O. Otieno, A.M. Heineman, B Amadalo and T.M, Ballard. The effect of planting arrangement and management regimes on the fodder yield and nutrient contents of Napier grass, Leucaena, Sesbania and Calliandra. In J.O. Mugah [ed]. People and institutional participation in agroforestry for sustainable development. Proceedings of the first Kenya National Agroforestry Conference, 25 – 29 March 1996. KEFRI Headquarters, Muguga, Kenya.


  • August 2011 – date: Principal Research Scientist, Agroforestry and Tree eco-physiology, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
  • July 2004 – July 2011: Senior Research Officer, Agroforestry, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
  • September 1996 – June 2004: Research Scientist I, Agroforestry, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
  • March 1992 – August 1996: Research Officer II, Agroforestry, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)
  • September 1988 – August 1992: Assistant Research Officer, Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI)

    Administrative Responsibility

    October 2019 – Date: Assistant Regional Director, Turkana Forestry Research Sub-Centre, Rift Valley Eco-Region Research Programme (RVERP), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), P.O. Box 53 – 30500, Lodwar, Kenya

Academic Qualification

  • 2003-2010: PhD in Natural Resources Management, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya
  • 1991 – 1994: Master of Science (MSc.) in Forestry, University of British Columbia,Vancouver, Canada
  • 1985 – 1988: Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Forestry, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya

Other Courses

  • 2nd – 28th February, 2020: Senior Management Course (SMC), Kenya School of Government (KSG), Baringo Campus, Kabarnet, Kenya.
  • November 1999 – January 2001: Intensive 4-month German language course, Goethe Institute, Goettingen, Germany & Graduate Research Visit to the Institute of Silviculture, University of Goettingen, Germany.
  • 3-9 June 1997: International workshop/training course on “Approaches for replenishing soil fertility depletion in Africa: NGO perspectives”, ICRAF Hqs, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • 14 October – 6 November 1996: International training of Trainers course on “Agroforestry Research for Integrated land use”, ICRAF, Nairobi Kenya.
  • October 23-November 19 1995: International training course on “Eco-farming – Ecologically and socially sustainable landuse”, Surin, Chiang Rai and other locations within the Kingdom of Thailand.
  • 9-20 January 1995: Training course on scientific writing, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya. Training Workshop on Mycorrhizae and Rhizobium in Agroforestry. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 12-23 September, 1994: Eastern and Southern Africa Regional training course on “Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) techniques for alley farming’, KEFRI Hqs, Muguga,Kenya.
  • 18-23 July 1994: District level agroforestry course, KEFRI/JICA Social Forestry Training Centre, Muguga, Kenya
  • 7-25 May, 1990: Training course on “Agroforestry Research for Development”. Concepts,technologies, practices and methods. ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya.