Franzel, S., C. Holding, J.K. Ndufa, C.O. Obonyo and S.M. Weru (1996): Farmers and
Trees - Linking research and extension, Agroforestry today, Volume 8, no. 3 Pg. 19-21, ICRAF, Nairobi
Book Chapter
Nyamai, D.O; Obonyo, C.O; Aucha, J. and Kisinyo, P.O.(2017). Policy framework and public-private partnerships for agribusiness development in Africa. In: Obiri J.A. F., Driver M.F., Onyekwelu J.C., Akpoko J.G., Ramasawmy B. and Drame-Yaye, A. (Editors). Agribusiness in Africa.A contextualized manual for Tertiary Institutions and Development Practioners. ANAFE, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya. ISBN: 978929059 403 1- 204pp.
Franzel, S.,J.K. Ndufa, C.O. Obonyo, T.E. Bekele, and R. Coe, (2002) “Farmer-Designed Agroforestry Trials: Famers’ Experiences in Western Kenya” in S. Franzel and S. J. Scherr( eds) Trees on the Farm, CAB International..
Technical Notes /Protocols/Guidelines
Research protocol for Indigenous Fruits value chain study
Research protocol for case studies of success stories of CBOs involved in commercialization of aloe products
Policy Briefs
Muga, M, Ogutu, P, Oriwo, V and Obonyo C.O 2016. Production and Marketing of Briquettes from Agro-industrial Residues in Kenya
C. O. Obonyo, B. Ngoda and P. Gamba, (2009), Challenges, Conflicts and Gaps in Kenya’s Forest Conservation Legislation and Policies. (Draft)
C. O. Obonyo, B. Ngoda and P. Gamba (2009) Contribution of Kenya’s Forest Conservation Legislation and Policies on Rural Livelihood (Draft
Obonyo C.0, Muga M., Kiprop J., Othim R., Oriwo V., IngutiaC.andBor N, (2018) in Contribution Of Forestry Research To Sustainable Development,Chagala–Odera E., Ochieng D., Wanjiku J., Muchiri M.N., Gichora M., Tuwei P., Kamondo B., Mengich E., Langat D., Oballa P., Muthike G., Chiteva R., Kagombe J., Cherotich L., Gathogo M., Muthama A. and Oduor N. (eds), Proceedings of 5th KEFRI Scientific Conference , 17 – 19 April 2018, at KEFRI Headquarters Muguga, pp 933 – 948
Ogutu P.C., Kitheka E., Muga M.O., Oduor N. Pretorius R., Obonyo C.O, Yegon V., Oriwo V., Githiomi J. and Kimondo J , Piloting Commercial Production of Charcoal Briquettes from Sugarcane Bagasse in Homa Bay County, (2018) inContribution Of Forestry Research To Sustainable Development,Chagala–Odera E., Ochieng D., Wanjiku J., Muchiri M.N., Gichora M., Tuwei P., Kamondo B., Mengich E., Langat D., Oballa P., Muthike G., Chiteva R., Kagombe J., Cherotich L., Gathogo M., Muthama A. and Oduor N. (eds), Proceedings of 5th KEFRI Scientific Conference , pp 917-932 ,17 – 19 April 2018, at KEFRI Headquarters Muguga,
L.G. Okotto and Obonyo C. O, (2011). Innovative Approaches for Mainstreaming Integrated Natural Resource Management in Agricultural Research and Development Institutions in Eastern Africa, Workshop Proceedings of End Project Dissemination Workshop, 24 - 26 October 2011, Hotel Le Savanna, Kisumu, Kenya
Obonyo C.O., and A. Niang (2000): “An Overview of the On-farm KEFRI/KARI/ICRAF Collaborative Research Project in Maseno,” in Proceeding of the social forestry extension seminar for the promotion of tree planting in arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya, Social Forestry Extension Model Development Project for Semi-Arids Areas in Kenya, KEFRI.
Obonyo, C.O. (1996):"Micro-economic response to alley cropping in Siaya District", in Mugah, J.O. (ed) 1996. Proceedings of the first Kenya Agroforestry Conference on People and Institutional Participation in Agroforestry for Sustainably Development: Kenya Forestry Research Institute.
Niang, A., B. Amadalo, S. Gathumbi and C.O. Obonyo (1996): Maize yield response to green manure application from selected shrubs and tree species in western Kenya, a preliminary assessment, in Mugah, J.O. (ed) 1996. Proceedings of the first Kenya Agroforestry Conference on People and Institutional Participation in Agroforestry for Sustainably Development: Kenya Forestry Research Institute.
Obonyo, C.O. and S. Franzel (1993): "Wood supply and use model for food-crop based regions of western Kenya", in Attah-Krah, K. (ed.) Agroforestry in the highlands of Eastern and Central, ICRAF, Nairobi.
Employment History
November 2012 - date: Senior Research Scientist, Forest Products Economics, National Forests Products Research Programme, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, P.O. Box 64636 – 00620, Nairobi, Kenya
August 2010 – November 2012: Senior Research Scientist, Farm Forestry and Agroforestry economics, Maseno Research Centre, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, P.O. Box 25199 – 40108, Kisumu, Kenya
October 1999 – August 2010: Research Scientist 1,Farm Forestry and Agroforestry economics, Maseno Research Centre, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, P.O. Box 25199 – 40108, Kisumu, Kenya
March 1993 – October 1999: : Research Scientist 1,Farm Forestry and Agroforestry economics, Maseno Research Centre, Kenya Forestry Research Institute, P.O. Box 25199 – 40108, Kisumu, Kenya
Adminstrative Responsiblity
1st October 1999 to June 2003: Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI).Position:Ag Centre Director of Maseno Regional Research Centre
Academic Qualification
1989-1994 Master of Science (Agricultural Economics), University of Nairobi, Kenya
1986-1989 Bachelor of Science (Agriculture), University of Nairobi, Kenya
Key Competences
Good communication and facilitation skills.
Competence in Agricultural and Resource economics and Financial and economic analysis
Project monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment
House hold surveys and Participatory Rural appraisals
Computer literacy
Fluency in English, Kiswahili, Luo and French
Other Courses
April 2009: Training on payment for environmental services, ICRAF-HQ, Nairobi
19th – 23rd April, 2005: Natural resource management and Institutions: the links between Property rights, collective actions and natural resource management, ICRAF-HQ, Nairobi.