Capacity Development Project for Sustainable Forest Management


The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF) through Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) and Kenya Forest Service (KFS), and in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), is implementing a project entitled; “Capacity Development Project for Sustainable Forest Management in Kenya (CADEP-SFM)”. The overall goal of the project is to ensure sustainable forest management is promoted in Kenya towards the national forest cover target of 10%. The project is supported by JICA and will run for a period of 5 years from June 2016 to June 2021.

CADEP-SFM is implemented through five components, namely;

  1. Policy Support
  2. Pilot implementation at County level
  3. REDD+ readiness
  4. Tree breeding for drought tolerance
  5. Regional Cooperation

Most Recent Good Practises

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The full Good Practice is available here.

Use of Improved Cooking Stoves to Combat Desertification in Djibouti

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The full Good Practice is available here.

Growing Melia Volkensii for Improved Livelihood and Environmental Conservation in Makueni County, Kenya

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The full Good Practice is available here.

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The full Good Practice is available here.

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The full Good Practice is available here.

Briquette Making at Small-Scale Level in Kajiado County, Kenya

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The full Good Practice is available here.

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