Title: Quarry Rehabilitation in Vihiga County, Kenya
Category: Land Management
Country: Kenya
Audience: Stakeholders in excavation industry, Farmers and Extension Agents
Currently in Kenya there is an increasing demand for raw materials mined from the earth for use in the construction industry, and infrastructural programmes. Some of the programmes such as road construction use murram, a material excavated from land areas rich in laterite soils, which have high concentration of iron and aluminum. After excavation of the murram, the quarry sites are generally abandoned, creating wastelands, dotted with deep gapping pits. Some negative effects of quarrying include top and sub-soil depletion and topographical alteration that negatively impact local ecosystems and social environment. However, these impacts can successfully be addressed and mitigated, through development and implementation of effective quarry rehabilitation practices. Vihiga County in Kenya is one region where abandoned quarries have been successfully rehabilitated through actions such as tree planting. Vihiga County is located in the Lake Victoria Basin at an altitude of between 1,300 m and 1,800 m above sea level and has a gently sloping topography. The terrain of the County include scattered hills and valleys with streams that drain into Lake Victoria. The County experiences well distributed rainfall throughout the year with an average annual precipitation of 1900 mm. Temperatures range from 14ºC - 32ºC with a mean of 23ºC. The soils are mainly red loamy sand derived from sedimentary and basalt rocks.
The objectives of quarry rehabilitation include:
The need for quarry rehabilitation in Vihiga County was identified through Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Rapid Rural Initiatives (RRI) undertaken through an ICRAF/KEFRI collaborative programme. Mr Joel Akaki of Vihiga County is one farmer who has successfully rehabilitated an abandoned quarry site. To reclaim the site, Mr Akaki leveled the quarry by backfilling it with top soil collected from nearby sources including soils excavated from on-going road construction works, hence transforming waste land into an arable land. Tree seedlings for initial planting were obtained from ICRAF/KEFRI project and established on different farm niches, and under various arrangements which included; border planting, hedgerow planting, windbreaks, fruit orchard, woodlot and homestead planting. On steep edges, soil and water conservation structures such as terraces and retention ditches were constructed. The tree species planted included; Eucalyptus species, Grevillea robusta and fruit trees mainly mangoes and avocadoes. Calliandra calothyrsus was planted for fuelwood and bee forage. Jatropha curcas was also introduced. Further farm improvement is undertaken with advice from research, governmental and non-governmental institutions working within the region.
Innovation and success factors include the following:
Some of the constraints include;
Lessons learnt from the practice include;
Quarry rehabilitation using trees is a successful practice which has positive ecological, economic and social-cultural impacts. The practice can be widely adopted in other areas that have abandoned quarries.