Title: Growing Bamboo On-Farm as an Alternative to Traditional Cash Crops in Migori County
Category: Crop
Country: Kenya
Audience: Farmers and Extension Agents
Migori County is located in the south-western region of Kenya, between latitude 0o 24’ South and 0o 40’ South and Longitude 34o East and 34o 50’ East. Annual temperature ranges from 24oC to 31oC, while annual rainfall ranges between 700 and 1,800 mm. The climatic conditions favour subsistence and cash crops farming. The County has both high and low agricultural potential areas. Traditional cash crops grown in the County are; sugarcane in upper high potential areas and tobacco in the lower potential areas. To establish these cash crops, large areas of natural vegetation were cleared which led to deforestation and environmental degradation. However, with time, economic viability of both cash crops diminished. Bamboo growing was therefore introduced in lower Migori as an alternative cash crop to tobacco by Maseno University in collaboration with Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) and Ministry of Agriculture. The choice of bamboo was based on it’s; fast growth, low management requirement and ability to produce many shoots. Other benefits associated with bamboo include riverbank stabilization and soil erosion control. Growing bamboo in Migori County led to formation of bamboo growing cooperative societies, which include Ekerege and Ngege.
One farm that grows bamboo on large scale in Migori County is Nyabera Farm ICL. Nyabera Farm ICL is a family business registered as an investment company with a program on “Integrating Bamboo Planting as an Alternative Supplement to Traditional Cash Crops”. The program has a mission of improving bamboo farming as a cash crop in the lower tobacco growing region of Migori, while up-scaling it to the upper sugar belt region of the County. Nyabera Farm promotes bamboo farming through; production of seedlings, capacity building and linking growers to markets. The farm has been growing bamboo since 2014, after receiving training and technical advice from KEFRI on bamboo propagation, management and utilization.
The objectives of growing bamboo as an alternative to traditional cash crops are to:
Nyabera Farm started bamboo growing by; building a greenhouse for bamboo seedling production, acquiring bamboo seedlings from Ekerege Bamboo Farmers Cooperative Society and establishing bamboo plots. The Farm also constructed a bamboo value addition workshop. Currently, the farm is constructing a bamboo village resort centre and holds field days and community awareness programs on bamboo growing. In 2017, Nyabera Farm hosted the world bamboo day celebration. The Farm has planted bamboo in different locations within the County to create awareness. Nyabera Farm purchases culms from farmers and adds value by making various products. KEFRI and other stakeholders support the Farm by providing technical advice.
Bamboo growing has multiplicity of benefits which include; financial benefits from sale of seedlings and other products, provision of poles and fuelwood, improved environmental conservation, and improved food security as bamboo can be intercropped with food crops. Bamboo shoots well and is fast growing, hence a renewable resource with a potential for high income generation.