CADEP-SFM Good Practises

Title: Domestication and Utilization of Aloe turkanensis in Turkana County

Category: Crop

Country: Kenya

Audience: Extension Agents, Community Groups and NGOs


Turkana County is a vast arid and semi-arid region situated in Northern Kenya, covering an area of about 77,000 km2. The County is characterized by warm and hot climate, with temperatures of between 20ºC and 41ºC with a mean of 30.5ºC. The County receives an annual rainfall of between 52 mm and 480 mm, with a mean of 200 mm. The rainfall pattern and distribution is erratic and unreliable. Majority of the Turkana people who inhabit the County are traditionally nomadic pastoralists, who depend on livestock for their livelihood. However, there is a rapid change in lifestyle of the Turkana people, from nomadic to semi-permanent settlement, where only part of the family moves in search of pasture and water for livestock. Most of those left behind are women and children, and the women have the responsibility of providing for family members under their care.

To diversify livelihood options as well as avoid over dependency on food aid, the community within Loima Sub-County, Turkana County formed Namoruputh Bio-Aloe Self-help Organization. The group was initially engaged in small scale trade, but is now involved in Aloe domestication and utilization. Aloes are among important natural resources found in Turkana County. Due to their succulent nature, Aloes are well adapted to arid and semi-arid conditions of the County. Aloes have shallow rooting system that enables them to grow well on rocky gravel sites. The plant prefers soils that are fertile, high in nitrogen content of 0.4 - 0.5%, with a pH of 4.5 to 7.0. The main species found in Turkana County is Aloe turkanensis, whose sap is yellow in colour. The sap contains anthraquinones that have several beneficial medicinal values such as laxatives. Traditionally, Turkana people use Aloe turkanensis sap to treat wounds and eye diseases. In addition, extract from boiled Aloe roots is a detoxifier. The roots are also used to flavour beer, as medicine, and for skin care.


  1. To improve livelihood of the group members through aloe-based enterprises
  2. To conserve and ensure sustainable provision of raw material for aloe-based enterprises through domestication


Practical Action, an NGO in in the County, built capacity of Namoruputh Bio-Aloe Self-help Organization on livelihood improvement options through sustainable utilization of natural resources such as Aloes. At formation the Group had 32 members of which 28 were women and 4 were men.


  1. The Group has organized road shows in towns within Turkana and neighbouring counties to market their products


  1. Poaching of planted Aloe
  2. Death of some aloe plants during the drought periods
  3. Short shelf-life of the aloe based products
  4. Limited market base, forcing the Group to constantly operate on a small scale
  5. Poor road network which limits access to markets


  1. Natural resources can improve livelihood if used sustainably
  2. Value addition of natural resources increases income
  3. Effective marketing skills are necessary to promote penetration of new markets


Aloe enterprise is a successful nature based initiative that can be practiced in arid and semi-arid areas. The practice plays an important role in; conservation of indigenous Aloe turkanensis through domestication, and improving community livelihoods.